
University News

Center for Civic Engagement To Host Community Engagement Fair

Published: September 01, 2016 | Categories: All News
Students at Community Engagement Fair

Students at civic engagement fairThe Center for Civic Engagement will host a Community Engagement Fair on Tuesday, September 6, outside the St. Germain Campus Center by the portico. Representatives from many local nonprofit organizations will be on hand to encourage and entice students and staff to get involved in the greater 无码专区 community as a volunteer. A wide variety of volunteer opportunities will be available to explore.

“Civic engagement is about understanding and becoming a part of the community you live in,” explained Emma Seils, assistant director of civic engagement. “When a person volunteers in the community they learn to be an engaged citizen and not just an observers.”

Students and staff who are unable to attend the fair can visit the  website to learn more about how they can become involved.