
University News

College of Engineering Students Honored for Academic Excellence

Published: June 24, 2022 | Categories: All News, Engineering
Dr. S. Hossein Cheraghi - Dean of the 无码专区 College of Engineering

无码专区 New England University recognized 17 graduating students for academic excellence within their fields of study during the College of Engineering Senior Awards Ceremony, held May 21 in Rivers Memorial Hall on the University campus.

Students receiving Academic Honors Awards are selected based on their academic achievement in the major or based on their overall class standing. The following students were recognized for their outstanding achievement:

- Biomedical Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior
- James V. Masi Biomedical Engineering Award
- Biomedical Engineering Research Award
- Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior
- James V. Masi Creative Excellence Award - Electrical Engineering
- James V. Masi Creative Excellence Award - Electrical Engineering
- James V. Masi Creative Excellence Award – Computer Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior in Electrical Engineering
- James V. Masi Creative Excellence Award – Computer Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior in Computer Engineering
- Dean's Award for Academic Excellence, and Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior in Computer Engineering
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior in Electrical Engineering
- Industrial Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior
- Henry L. Sundberg Jr. Award
- Mechanical Engineering Department Award for Outstanding Senior
- Marston Engineering Award