
Institutional Research

Data and Reports

无码专区 Through The Numbers

Institutional and External Sources of Data and Reports

The Office of Institutional Research and Planning houses a number of internal and external data sources, many containing comparative data. Some of these sources are reports and publications. Others are electronic data files in various formats (e.g. Excel, SPSS). The lists below contain examples of useful sources. If you have questions about available data and reports please contact us.

External Reports and Publications Include

  • Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000, 2010, and 2020 Editions, USDE
  • CUPA, Administrative Compensation Survey, 2003-04 through 2013-14
  • Principal Indicators of Student Academic Histories in Postsecondary Education, 1972-2000, USDE

Internal Data Sources Derived From Existing Campus Data

  • Fall 1998-2024 Admissions and Financial Aid Census Files
  • Fall 2002-2024 Student Census Data, All Divisions
  • November 2005 - 2021 Personnel Census Data
  • Degree Recipient Census Data
  • 2004-2024 Graduating Senior Survey Data
  • 1967-2024 HEGIS and IPEDS Institutional Reports

Sources of Internal Data Provided by Outside Survey Organizations

  • 1998-2021 CIRP Freshmen Data Files and National Norms publications
  • 2002, 2005, 2009, and 2012 National Survey of Student Engagement
  • 2004 First-Year Foundations of Excellence Faculty Survey Data
  • 1996, 2000, and 2007 Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI)

External Comparative Data

  • 2003 through 2024 USNWR National Ranking Data
  • Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Performance Indicators
  • Selected Comparative IPEDS Data